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  • woldemily13

Reality Check

For anyone reading this, and low key hoping not my boss, providing you with the classic millennial statement of, I just want to find a job I’m truly passionate about. Guarantee you’ve said it at some point and if you’re anything like me, your mind is constantly thinking of all the different possible career shifts you can make in order to find something you really love. So far I’ve thought of opening up my own coffee shop, becoming a pilot, teaching English abroad, and then applying to a bunch of ‘remote only’ positions so I can continue this nomad life (even if I have no idea what the job entails). And then on the flip side, you have the parent’s perspective of, you have a good job, work for a big company, have a 401k, great benefits with ample amount of vacation time, etc. Yeah, I guess all that shit’s important, but when I’m an in the moment person, don’t necessarily think about what my 5 year plan is, and just want to LOVE my job, it’s hard for me to just stay put in something I don’t feel the utmost excitement towards.

Last Thursday I was at the point where I literally almost quit. No joke. I thought to myself, It’s definitely a bold move, but I have a little bit of savings and am confident I can just figure it out. You never know who you’ll meet and what opportunity presents itself. And what’s the worst thing that happens? I blow through all my savings and have to move back home with my parents…

I didn’t wind up pulling the trigger, but like I said, I was VERY close. So instead, I cried like 10 times. It didn’t change the fact that I still had a fat ass ‘to do’ list for work, but it at least felt good to let it out.

My Mom’s advice, take a deep breathe, you can’t keep thinking or stressing about work, just wasn’t doing the trick. Sorry Mom, love ya to death, but when I work Monday-Friday for 10+ hours a day, it’s tough just to not think about it. Not all of us are fortunate to have work stresses consist of which cute outfit should I bring on my next 5-day layover to sunny Sao Paolo.

It took a solid four full days to start feeling a bit better about work. What helped jumpstart the mind shift was meeting three awesome guys over the weekend and going on a spontaneous road trip with them. Nothing like spending a day at a beautiful waterfall in the Costa Rican sun with three cute fellas. Am I right ladies? (or men if you swing that way)

Mindset really is key. If you continue telling yourself how much you hate something, you’re only going to make it worse. Having a negative mentality won’t all of a sudden change something in to a positive. You have to literally look on the bright side. So that’s what I did. I can’t say I’m now passionate about my job or love what I do day in and day out, but I can say I’m hashtag blessed. My current job situation is allowing me to live the lifestyle I’ve always dreamed of.

This morning I woke up, brewed a fresh cup of coffee, took a solid poop (don’t read this and think ew, girls poop and you know there’s nothing better than a morning dump), hit the gym, and had a solid surf sesh. All things I love before starting the workday. That’s pura vida my friends!

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