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  • woldemily13

Full Cheers Guatemala

Sunday meal prep, hard boiled eggs for breakfast, an episode or two of Shameless after work, and distance runs on Saturday morning. Just a few of the staples you can find a part of my typical routine. I’m a very structured person and I like routine, but doing the same thing day in and day out is never good for anyone. As they say, balance is key, and traveling enables me to shy away from my usual Monday through Sunday ritual.

As I leave Guatemala I’m able to reflect, smile, and feel refreshed. The first day I arrived, I took a yoga class thinking it would be a nice vinyasa flow; I’d hold warrior two, we’d go through multiple sun salutations, and the instructor would tell me at the end “the light within me honors the light within you”. No. This yoga was all about the chakras and feeling the energy in your body. At one point the instructor had me straddle my legs wide open with my heart touching the ground, and my arms spread out to a T. This was so we could thank and hug Mother Earth, and give her our fullest gratitude. I stayed in this position for a solid two minutes, and when I got out of it I had the loudest queef. I couldn’t help but laugh, but unfortunately that meant my chakras got out of alignment.

I got to attend my first cacao ceremony, where we started by worshipping the cacao, then of course drinking the cacao, internally reflecting on any toxins we have holding us back, and then meditating for an hour while a man played music on instruments he made from scratch. Once the meditation was over, we finished the ceremony with ecstatic dance. The purpose is not to twerk it out and drop it low, but to let your body move freely and feel the beat. Needless to say, a rather different type of dance floor than what you'd find at the club in Ibiza.

I’m not going to lie and pretend I felt the medicinal powers from the cacao, or felt toxins release from my body, but I was definitely relaxed, enjoyed the music, and had fun experiencing something new that I will likely never do in FreeholdNJ.

Aside from the beauty, one of my most favorite aspects of San Marcos is the people. Hippie, yogi, vegan, free spirited, and wanderlust are a few words I’d use to describe the individuals that land themselves in San Marcos. Just to give you a glimpse, I overheard a guy tell his friend, “it was so awesome, I put rocks in my headband so that I could feel more connected to earth.” Granted, no I don’t care to put rocks in my headband, but it is nice to surround yourself with a niche crowd that allows you to be so care free and truly embrace whatever your mind feels.

Knowing I'm more in to a vinyasa type flow, honor cacao by simply just eating some nibs, and have friends who rather take shots and fist pump to Tiesto versus chant Shakti mantras, it’s fun to fully immerse yourself in the environment you find yourself in. I encourage everyone to step away from their typical routine and get outside their comfort zone. New experiences, adventures, and people allow you to grow as an individual, be more open minded, and see the world from a different view. Full cheers to traveling and a beautiful experience in Guatemala.

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