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  • woldemily13

Expectation vs Reality

You hear about it, read blog posts on it, and Google Search how to become one. Well maybe not everyone does, but for me the idea of being a ‘digital nomad’ has always been a dream of mine. The ability to live in different locations when you want, for however long you want, and get paid, that’s the definition of making your life a vacation.

So after all the Googling and reading up on the different ways people are able to live the digital nomad life, I soon came to the realization that realistically I just need to quit my job, move all my shit home, and hope for the best with the idea of finding odd jobs to make an income. Of course to me this didn’t sound like the worst idea, I was in the YOLO mindset, but to my parents, they clearly thought this was a dumb idea and praying I don’t actually move forward with it.

While a part of me still wanted to just do it and see what happens, the other part of me did understand the implications and risk factor. I was living in California, had a good job, able to partake in all the outdoorsy activities I love, and stay tan year-round. Couldn’t really complain too much. So what I settled on is a ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality. Even though I can’t just wonder and nomad around, I’ll take full advantage of my vacation days and travel to awesome places. Not the worst.

And that’s when the pandemic that has caused millions of deaths, lives to change, and a complete economic crisis to occur, enabled me to live my dream of being a digital nomad. Because of Covid and having to work from home, the idea of an ‘office’ no longer applied, and became a very influx term. Throughout Covid, my office has been at a kitchen table, on the beach, airport terminal, grocery store, and even while I am in mid workout. What I’m alluding to is that because of the work from home mandate, as long as I’m able to access Wi-Fi, I can really work from wherever.

When February came and my lease was ending in California, I decided to step away from the golden state for a bit and ship all my stuff home to Freehold NJ. Yea it’s great if you have the ability to work remote, which essentially makes you one step closer to becoming a digital nomad, but you also need to be able to afford it. And for me, having a monthly rent wouldn’t allow me to do so. So no problem, let’s bring it back to the dirty Jerz for a bit and have Mom and Dad as the new roomies!

March 7th 2021, the day my digital nomad life officially began. Needless to say while I was packing for my adventure and getting out all my summer/boho clothing, I was legit smiling from ear to ear. San Marcos Guatemala was first on my list and I knew I was landing back in the magical land of hippies, vegan food, crystals, and endless cacao.

After all the months of buildup and excitement towards my new adventure, my first day working remote from Guatemala couldn’t have been more of a buzz kill. In my first work meeting of the day, I had a coworker ask where I was. She noticed the background in my video screen looked different, and when I told her I was in Guatemala, she proceeded to tell me I was irresponsible, and she couldn’t believe how much I travel during a pandemic. Yes of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and each person feels differently towards Covid, but regardless being told I am irresponsible was a low blow and hurt.

The entire day I felt sick and started questioning if I made the wrong decision. Here I was dreaming about this opportunity for so long, and then once it became a reality I couldn’t have felt any worse about it. All day I was thinking about my coworker’s reaction and finally when I was wrapping up the workday, I decided to give my Boss a call. Fortunately the conversation went great and I received the confirmation I needed from her. Moral of the story, you can’t let one person’s opinion change you. You’re never going to please everyone, and people are always going to judge, but as long as you feel good deep down and your heart is happy, then you’re moving in the right direction. So to my co-worker that created the world’s biggest damper on Day 1 of the digital nomad life, I respect your opinion, but I’m going to keep calm and nomad on baby.

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